How Will You Pay Your Bills If You Can’t Work?

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act provides wage loss benefits for individuals who are injured at work and unable to continue working (either temporarily or permanently) due to the work injury. In many situations, injured individuals are also eligible for Social Security Disability benefits or other wage benefits. The overlap of these benefits can be confusing for individuals who are inexperienced with workers’ compensation laws and Social Security laws.

How Much Benefit Money Can You Count On?

Most injured workers receiving workers’ compensation benefits will receive wage loss benefits equaling approximately two-thirds of their weekly wages (of what they were earning prior to becoming injured). However, when a worker is collecting other wage benefits, in addition to their workers’ compensation benefits, the injured worker may only be eligible for partial wage loss benefits.

For example, 50 percent of a worker’s Social Security retirement benefits may be credited against the individual’s workers’ compensation wage loss benefits. Injured workers may also see deductions to their wage loss benefits due to other benefits they may be receiving, including:

Our lawyers can analyze your situation, keeping in mind applicable deductions you may receive due to other wage benefits you are receiving, and we can provide informative advice tailored to your situation.

Get Help Staying Financially Afloat

Our attorneys at Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo can help you understand your wage loss benefits to ensure you receive the fair compensation to which you are entitled. Call 215-310-0001 or toll free at 877-794-2396, email us to arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced, attentive and dedicated Philadelphia wage loss benefits attorney. With 11 office locations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we are convenient to injured workers statewide.

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