5 Steps To Take After Getting Injured In The Workplace In PA

Getting injured while on the job can turn your life upside down. First of all, dealing with the pain is the biggest frustration, with the financial repercussions being a close second. You may not feel like doing much, but despite your pain and suffering, this is a time when you must take action in order to avoid further problems to your health and financial well-being.

If you have been injured at your workplace in Pennsylvania, here are five steps to take immediately:

  1. Report the incident immediately. Waiting until a week or two after the injury occurs can only make matters worse, even if you don’t feel like getting out of bed. Rest is important, but you need to file a workman’s comp claim as soon as possible after an accident or injury occurs while on the job.
  2. Get to the doctor. If you have a serious injury or emergency, get to the hospital as soon as possible after the accident occurs. Always seek prompt medical attention.
  3. Write down everything. The more thorough you are about how you are feeling, what happened and how much money you have paid out of pocket, the more likely you are to be reimbursed. Document your doctor’s appointments, times you took your prescription, or anything out of the ordinary that you feel is directly related to the accident and injuries you sustained. If you miss at least a week of work, you should be entitled to workman’s compensation for lost wages. If the recovery time will be longer, then you may be able to receive temporary or permanent workman’s comp disability benefits.
  4. Contact an attorney. This is something that you will be glad you did, as it will save you from a lot of time, hassle and aggravation in dealing with the worker’s comp insurance companies. Remember, they are in business to pay out as little as possible, so having a lawyer will ensure that you get the worker’s comp benefits in PA that you are entitled to receive. Don’t wait! Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo in Pennsylvania are experienced in moving through the Workers’ Compensation process swiftly to make sure you get back on track in the least amount of time as possible.
  5. Go through with all doctor-recommended treatments. If you fail to follow the physician’s treatment programs, then your Workers’ Compensation claim may be denied. Do everything the doctor instructs you to do, including showing up for appointments, taking the proper dose of medications, physical therapy, etc.

Once again, a lawyer who is knowledgeable about current Workers’ Compensation laws in PA is your best bet to getting back on track smoothly and swiftly. Workers’ Compensation laws in Pennsylvania are there to protect you, the employee, but unfortunately many insurers and employers try to save from having to pay out as little as possible in order to help you. Call Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo at 877-299-0779 today to talk about your worker’s comp case in PA.

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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