Social Security Disability

What is a Vocational Expert Testimony and Why is an Expert At My SSDI Hearing?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a valuable program that provides support to those who have been injured. These benefits can help you stay afloat financially until you can return to your job or provide critical support to those who…


How Long Do You Have to Appeal a Social Security Decision?

When people suffer a disabling injury, they may need to rely on Social Security Disability  Insurance (SSDI) benefits to meet their daily needs. This federal program may be the only source of income for many people following a serious accident….


Are My Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Benefits Tax-Free?

Workers in Pennsylvania are protected by workers’ compensation insurance if they are injured on the job. Employers must carry this coverage, which pays for medical bills and partial wages. Filing a claim to receive benefits can be complicated, and many…


Working While on Disability: Earnings, Common Questions & More

Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are income assistance programs overseen by the Social Security Administration (SSA), designed to offset some of the financial challenges associated with being disabled, elderly, and economically disadvantaged. However, these benefits…


How Much Is Compassionate Allowance (And Everything You Need To Know To Qualify)

Compassionate Allowance is a program put together by the Social Security Administration. It fast-tracks applications submitted by people with severe conditions, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Applicants may wonder, How much is compassionate allowance? Compassionate Allowance allows some applicants…


How Many People Are On Social Security

Programs like SSI and SSDI help bridge the gap between employment and being unable to continue to work due to blindness, blindness, disability, or age (over age 65). Physical or mental disabilities sometimes prevent people from working. For example, a…


Can You Get Unemployment and Disability Benefits at the Same Time

If you have a disability and cannot find work, you have an uphill battle. But you may be able to support yourself and even enter a pathway to the workforce by leveraging available government programs such as unemployment and disability…


What Constitutes Malingering (Faking Disability) And What You Need to Know

Some people fake disability to obtain Social Security benefits, and this behavior is known as malingering. There are several things you should know about this issue in order to avoid refusal of benefits. What is Malingering? Malingering means either faking…


8 Ways To Avoid Disability Fraud Investigation

Being investigated for Social Security disability fraud is more common than you might think. People on disability with mental illnesses or other “invisible” conditions like fibromyalgia may be investigated as well as those with more visible conditions. Unfortunately, malingering is…


SSDI Trial Work Period: What It Is & How It Works

Despite widespread belief to the contrary, individuals receiving Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) from the Social Security Administration (SSA), are eligible to test their ability to return to work without jeopardizing their benefits. This program, overseen by the Social Security…

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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