Workers Compensation

The Responsibilities Of Insurers In The Workers’ Compensation Process

The duties of workers’ compensation insurance companies include investigating the claim and paying out benefits for eligible employees. Additionally, they have 21 days to accept or reject the benefits request after receiving notice of an injury. Other responsibilities of the…


Why Mental Illnesses Are Covered Under Workers’ Compensation

Can Workers’ Compensation Cover Mental Illness?   The extreme conditions under which first responders work take a toll not only on their bodies, but also sometimes on their minds. Underlying mental health issues related to traumatic stress tends to be…


Understanding The Delay Tactics In Workers’ Compensation Health Insurance

Workers’ Compensation Health Insurance Delay Tactics In Pennsylvania, employers with one or more employees are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Many employers choose to self-insure, which means that an injured worker would file his or her claim directly with…


Workers’ Compensation: Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Rates

Pennsylvania workers who are injured on the job are eligible to receive benefits to cover medical expenses and lost wages. However, Workers’ Compensation rates vary depending on the year, which can make it difficult for injured employees to figure out…


What You Need to Know About Workers’ Comp Drug Testing

The Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Act guarantees compensation for medical treatment and lost wages associated with work-related injuries and disease. However, there are some caveats when it comes to drug and alcohol use.  Pennsylvania law does allow employers to deny workers…


Hurt At Work: Workers’ Compensation And Tendonitis Of Wrist

Getting hurt at work is undoubtedly debilitating and stressful, this is even truer when the employer and insurance carrier drag their feet and make the whole process much more time consuming and stressful. A situation like this are more likely…


Hepatitis A and the risk of infection to food industry employees

If you work in the food service industry, you may think that your biggest risk of injury comes from a slip and fall while carrying a heavy tray or some sort of injury in the kitchen. In fact, the biggest…


Is Workers Compensation for Independent Contractors Available?

With a new outlook for 2017’s economy and a landscape about to change, business owners are anticipating some major changes, and many may be looking to see if the answer to an age-old question is going to change: Are Independent…


Workers’ Compensation: Can I Choose My Physician?

When one is injured on the job, neither the employer nor the employer’s insurance carrier can specify a doctor to act as the treating physician. However, the injured worker is required to treat with a medical professional on the employer’s…


Types Of Workers’ Compensation Payments In Pennsylvania

When you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, they are paid on a weekly basis. For some people, however, weekly benefits do not work well because they have financial obligations that they need to cover. In some situations, settlement or…

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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