Workers Compensation

What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?

When you’re injured on the job, workers’ compensation helps cover your medical expenses and lost wages. However, at a certain point, your medical condition may reach a stage where further recovery is no longer expected. This stage is referred to…


What Is a Pennsylvania Workers Comp Claim & How Does It Work?

Workers’ comp in Pennsylvania is a system designed to provide financial support and medical benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. This program aims to help workers recover from their injuries while ensuring they receive compensation for lost…


Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Rates: How Much You Should Expect

Suffering an injury on the job can be a traumatic and stressful experience. In the blink of an eye, your world is turned upside down, especially if you suffer a debilitating injury that leaves you permanently or partially disabled. Pennsylvania…


Factors that Determine Workers’ Compensation Eligibility

Pennsylvania workers’ compensation is a valuable resource for those who are injured in a work-related accident or develop an illness. Most employees working for companies in the Commonwealth will qualify for coverage, but it’s important to be aware of the…


How a Workers’ Compensation Employer Defense Can Affect You

Workers’ Compensation and Employer Defense Tactics When a worker in Pennsylvania suffers an injury, they are protected by a particular set of rules that helps them maintain their rights. These rules are known as workers’ compensation laws. In PA, employers…


Average Hernia Settlements & Payouts in PA

Hernia repairs are often done with surgical mesh, which can strengthen the tissue and provide a better outcome for the patient. However, in some cases, there have been problems that arise from these surgeries that leave patients with additional medical…


How Medical Marijuana Impacts Workers’ Comp Cases in PA

An increasing number of states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. It’s especially helpful for those who have chronic pain and hope to avoid becoming addicted to painkillers. However, the use of marijuana as an approved treatment…


Does Having Surgery Increase Your Workers’ Comp Settlement?

When you have been hurt on the job, workers’ compensation is meant to take care of your medical bills and get you back to work as soon as possible. In most cases, this includes all treatment and care you require,…


An Overview of a Workers’ Compensation Vocational Assessment

During the workers’ compensation process, it is important to understand that your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company is going to do everything in its power to pay you as little as possible. The law affords insurance companies certain rights that…


Third Party Lawsuits in Workers’ Compensation Case

In certain workers’ compensation cases, third parties may be liable to pay a third party lawsuit settlement in the event of a work-related injury. In most workers’ compensation claims, employees give up the right to file a lawsuit against their…

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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