Workers Compensation

Beware of These IME Doctor Tricks That Could Hurt Your Workers’ Comp Case

Many doctors chosen by the insurance company have done hundreds and maybe thousands of IME evaluations for workers’ compensation insurance claims. They do not work for the insurance company, but they may try to coerce patients into disclosing information that…


How Does Workers’ Compensation Work? (In Simple Terms)

Workers’ compensation can be complicated, but it should not be. Filing a claim should be an easy process for employees, and the employer should assist in any way possible. The most important thing to remember about a workers’ compensation claim…


Things Workers’ Comp Lawyers Won’t Tell You (But We Will)

Unfortunately, there are many crooked, dishonest, or plainly bad workers’ compensation attorneys out there. Some may be too inexperienced to admit it, and others may not be working for the right reasons. A good workers’ compensation attorney will always have…


What Is the Difference Between Workers Comp vs Disability in Pennsylvania?

When an employee is injured on the job, they have two options for receiving financial assistance. The first is workers’ compensation, a state-mandated insurance policy given to employees to help cover medical expenses and wages while recovering from a workplace…


Workers’ Compensation and Returning to Work: Everything You Need to Know 

Following a serious workplace injury, employees who receive workers’ compensation are likely to be out of work for an extended period of time during recovery. Once a claimant’s recovery process is completed or near completion, those without serious disabling injuries…


Understanding the Average Workers’ Comp Settlement in Pennsylvania 

The average workers’ comp settlement in Pennsylvania varies greatly from case to case. Factors that influence what someone receives include the type of injury, their disability rating, and how quickly they file their claim. Likewise, people may receive a set…


Award-Winning Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Experiencing a work accident or occupational illness can completely uproot your life, forcing you to adjust to a new normal while you determine how you’re going to support your family in the meantime. But there’s hope. Pursuing a workers’ compensation…


Workers’ Compensation Lump Sum Payments: The Pros & Cons

Lump sum payments, also known as Compromise & Release, are one-time payments made to injured workers after a work-related injury instead of weekly or bi-weekly payments, or ‘structured settlements’, made over a period of time. Lump sum settlements are great…


How Long Do Workers Comp Settlements Take?

Workers Compensation cases can sometimes settle shortly after an injury (within a few weeks or a couple of months), or they can take years. The average workers’ compensation case will take about 16 months to be resolved. A resolution may…


Light-Duty Work and Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law

If an employee heals enough to return to their job, but not enough to take on all their pre-injury responsibilities, creating a light-duty work arrangement may be necessary. In this situation, the employee gets to go back to work but…

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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