How do living arrangement affect SSI benefits?


When disabled individuals are unable to meet their financial needs, they can qualify for a variety of social programs. Supplemental Security Income is one of those programs. SSI benefits can help individuals with few assets receive some monthly income to meet their living expenses. However, there are many requirements that must be met in order for people to qualify for SSI benefits.

People should understand how their living arrangements can affect their ability to collect SSI benefits. Under Social Security Administration rules, any support a person receives for shelter or food each month can be deducted from the amount of money that a person receives each month in SSI benefits. Therefore, if people qualify for SSI benefits but receive housing support, their monthly payments can be reduced.

If an individual is living in the institution — such as in nursing home or hospital — then the individual may not qualify for SSI benefits. If they do qualify for SSI benefits, then they might only receive a maximum of $30 per month.

Individuals should also recognize that having a permanent residence is not a requirement to receive SSI benefits. In other words, homeless individuals can receive SSI benefits. If an individual lives in a homeless shelter, the person can receive benefits for six out of nine months that they are in the shelter.

It is important for individuals to understand how SSI benefits are distributed. If people qualify for SSI benefits they should understand how their living arrangements can reduce the benefit they will receive. For more specific legal advice, individuals should speak with an attorney.

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