Krasno Law Work Injury Blog


What Constitutes Malingering (Faking Disability) And What You Need to Know

Some people fake disability to obtain Social Security benefits, and this behavior is known as malingering. There are several things you should know about this issue in order to avoid refusal of benefits. What is Malingering? Malingering means either faking…


8 Ways To Avoid Disability Fraud Investigation

Being investigated for Social Security disability fraud is more common than you might think. People on disability with mental illnesses or other “invisible” conditions like fibromyalgia may be investigated as well as those with more visible conditions. Unfortunately, malingering is…


SSDI Trial Work Period: What It Is & How It Works

Despite widespread belief to the contrary, individuals receiving Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) from the Social Security Administration (SSA), are eligible to test their ability to return to work without jeopardizing their benefits. This program, overseen by the Social Security…


How Do Cancer Patients Receive Social Security Disability Benefits

 Social Security Disability Benefits for Cancer Patients Most of us know several people who have successfully battled cancer, but getting this type of serious diagnosis from our own medical providers is still a shock. Your prognosis and treatment will largely…


Disability Benefits for Legally Blind Individuals

Blindness or visual impairment gives rise to problems that affect every area of your life, even your ability to work. Fortunately, benefits for legally blind individuals are available from the Social Security Administration as well as the Pennsylvania State Blind…


What Is the Difference Between Workers Comp vs Disability in Pennsylvania?

When an employee is injured on the job, they have two options for receiving financial assistance. The first is workers’ compensation, a state-mandated insurance policy given to employees to help cover medical expenses and wages while recovering from a workplace…


Workers’ Compensation and Returning to Work: Everything You Need to Know 

Following a serious workplace injury, employees who receive workers’ compensation are likely to be out of work for an extended period of time during recovery. Once a claimant’s recovery process is completed or near completion, those without serious disabling injuries…


Understanding the Average Workers’ Comp Settlement in Pennsylvania 

The average workers’ comp settlement in Pennsylvania varies greatly from case to case. Factors that influence what someone receives include the type of injury, their disability rating, and how quickly they file their claim. Likewise, people may receive a set…


Award-Winning Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Experiencing a work accident or occupational illness can completely uproot your life, forcing you to adjust to a new normal while you determine how you’re going to support your family in the meantime. But there’s hope. Pursuing a workers’ compensation…


Workers’ Compensation Lump Sum Payments: The Pros & Cons

Lump sum payments, also known as Compromise & Release, are one-time payments made to injured workers after a work-related injury instead of weekly or bi-weekly payments, or ‘structured settlements’, made over a period of time. Lump sum settlements are great…


How to Get Short Term Disability in PA: The Qualifications and Application Process Explained

Pennsylvania short term disability benefits may be awarded to incapacitated or sick employees who cannot work, yet expect their ailments to last less than one year. Short-term disability insurance can also be purchased through an insurance company if an employer…


How Long Do Workers Comp Settlements Take?

Workers Compensation cases can sometimes settle shortly after an injury (within a few weeks or a couple of months), or they can take years. The average workers’ compensation case will take about 16 months to be resolved. A resolution may…


Light-Duty Work and Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law

If an employee heals enough to return to their job, but not enough to take on all their pre-injury responsibilities, creating a light-duty work arrangement may be necessary. In this situation, the employee gets to go back to work but…


The PA Workers’ Compensation Law Explained

Workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania are governed, in large part, by the PA Workers’ Compensation Act. Workers need to be aware of the risks of being hurt in workplace and prepared to take action to get benefits. This includes knowing…


When You Should Get a Second Opinion for Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Insurance companies are in the business of saving money. They want to pay you as little as possible for your workers’ compensation claim. Unfortunately, that can also mean denying you medical treatment as well. Insurance adjusters work with the same…


When to Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer After Your Injury

If you have a workers’ comp claim or suspect that you do, it is critical that you know when to hire a workers comp lawyer. Since lawyers typically won’t charge you any fees unless you win, it’s important to at…


I Won My PA Workers’ Compensation Case. Now What? 

If you’re thinking, “I won my PA workers’ compensation case. Now what?” you’re not alone. Many people have similar questions after discovering that they won their claim. What happens after you win your case depends on the agreement between you…


5 Things You Should Never Say to a Workers’ Comp Doctor

Your workers’ compensation doctor has a huge impact on your workers’ compensation claim. The doctor will decide your treatment plan, work restrictions, and how your injury will affect you for years to come. Because their opinion is so crucial, your…


How Much Are Workers’ Comp Payments & Settlements for Back Injuries?

About a million workplace back injuries are reported every year in a variety of occupations, from truck drivers to nurses. You might be one of these injured workers wondering what the average workers’ comp settlement for a back injury actually…


Can You Sue If You Fall At Work? Learn if Your Employer Is Liable

You may automatically think it’s your employer’s responsibility to pay for any medical expenses if you slip and fall at work. You may also wonder if they are at fault or if you can sue your employer for injury from…


Can You Be Fired After Filing For Workers’ Compensation For An Injury?

If you are hurt on the job, you may wonder if you can be fired while on workers’ compensation in PA. Your employer can’t retaliate against you for filing a benefits claim. Retaliation might include firing you or making it…


Can I Sue for Pain & Suffering During or Emotional Distress After Filing for Workers’ Comp?

In most cases, you cannot sue your employer either during or after filing for workers’ compensation benefits. It is also difficult to sue the insurance company as much case law does not allow it. That is fine in many cases…


Delaying & Unnecessary Treatment for Workers’ Compensation

Unreasonable or Unnecessary Treatment for Workers’ Compensation   Work is becoming more and more dangerous. As a result, workplace safety is a considerable concern in the United States. In 2015, nearly 3 million American workers were injured on the job….


Workers’ Compensation & Working From Home: Claim an Accident Telecommuting

Remote employment is a common practice, especially in recent times. But it causes many challenges, including questions about getting worker’s compensation while working from home. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act provides important protections to those injured on the job—even remote…


Workers’ Compensation: Nursing is the Most Dangerous Job in America

When you think of dangerous jobs, what types of occupations come to mind? Maybe construction, logging, mining, or manufacturing? While those jobs do come with many risks, you may be surprised that one of the most dangerous careers is nursing….


5 Common Employer Defense Examples Against Workers’ Compensation Claims

Every state has a workers’ compensation program in place to provide benefits to those who are injured while on the job. These benefits include medical care, lost wages, specific loss benefits (such as losing a limb, loss of eyesight, or…


Social Security Disability Benefits for Agoraphobia and Panic Disorders

Getting approved for Social Security disability benefits can be difficult enough if you have a condition that can be demonstrated through lab tests, like blood work and x-rays. What happens if your disability is psychological, such as mental illness like…


Can You Reopen a Workers’ Compensation Case in Pennsylvania?

You can reopen a workers’ compensation case if your condition worsens and your claim isn’t completely closed. For example, this might happen if you reinjure yourself after returning to work and you didn’t enter into a final settlement for your…


How and When You Can Receive Workers’ Compensation for Stress 

If you find yourself suffering from a severe stress-related workplace injury, you may be wondering, “can I even sue my employer for stress and anxiety”? The short answer to that question is yes, but it’s complicated. Stress in the workplace…


Workers Comp Claims Adjusters and You: How to Deal with Insurance Adjusters

Workers Comp Claims Adjusters and You: How to Deal with Insurance Adjusters When you are injured at work, your employer and their insurance company should immediately step in to help you get the medical care and lost wage benefits you…

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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