Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Class Code Lookup Tool & Guide

Pennsylvania requires most employers to carry sufficient workers’ compensation insurance to provide benefits to injured workers. To determine the appropriate amount of insurance, Pennsylvania insurance companies use classification numbers to group together similar types of jobs and industries. These classification codes take into account the duties performed by employees and the dangers they encounter on a daily basis to determine the appropriate rate for that situation. In this workers’ comp code lookup guide, we explain what workers’ compensation is, how insurance companies use these tools, and how to locate workers’ comp classification codes.

Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo has helped employees recover over $1.1 Billion in workers’ compensation benefits after suffering on-the-job injuries. Our Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers provide exceptional representation to injured workers, leaving no stone unturned in finding all avenues for recovery. We understand how important it is for hurt workers to return to work so they can support themselves and their loved ones. 

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a system of laws and regulations that applies to employers with employees or workers in their workforce. Under the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws, most employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance, which covers certain expenses and lost wages if an employee suffers an injury while on the job. Workers who are eligible for coverage are those who have an employment relationship with the business, such as full-time, part-time, or even some temporary workers. In limited circumstances, employers may need to have insurance to cover independent contractors. In addition, workers’ comp covers any employee injured while at work who also receives occupational health and safety coverage while performing their duties.

An employee can receive three main types of compensation through worker’s compensation. The first is medical benefits, which cover the cost of any necessary medical treatment related to the injury. The second is wage replacement benefits, which provide the injured employee with a portion of their lost wages while they are unable to work. The third type of benefit is death benefits, which provide financial support to the surviving family in the event of a fatal workplace accident.

What Are Workers’ Compensation Class Codes?

Workers’ compensation class codes allow employers to categorize their employees according to the type of work they do and how much risk is associated with that type of work. This helps insurance companies determine the rates they will charge for workers’ compensation insurance and the coverage an employer must have in place. Each state has its rules about using a coding system to classify employees and industries. For that reason, employers with multiple locations need to be familiar with the codes used in each state where they do business.

Why Is It Important to Classify Jobs Within an Organization?

In many cases, employers assign workers’ compensation class codes to their employees during the hiring process or when the employer signs up for workers’ compensation insurance. The employer should also use these codes when reporting payroll information to determine how much insurance coverage needs to be in place. Employers would benefit from ensuring the class codes they use are accurate because it can be difficult and costly to make changes after they hire the employees.

In addition, if an employer does not have the correct amount of workers’ compensation insurance in place, they may be liable for any injuries or illnesses suffered by their employees. This can lead to significant financial losses for the employer, as well as possible legal action if they do not have business insurance that covers their employees. To avoid this, employers must take the time to ensure that their class codes are accurate and up to date. 

Employers should also take care when classifying employees as workers entitled to benefits or independent contractors who are not. The law does not solely look at the employer’s perspective when deciding if the worker is an independent contractor or an employee. Instead, the courts look to several factors, such as the level of control the employer has over the worker and whether the alleged contractor has their own business. If the court determines that, based on the factors, the worker is an employee, the employer may be liable for damages if the workers’ compensation insurance does not provide adequate coverage. 

How Are Workers’ Comp Class Codes Used?

Workers’ compensation class codes are used to determine the risk involved in the work performed at a company. The employer’s safety record and the level of financial protection needed can impact the amount of the premium the employer pays for workers’ compensation. The class code associated with the company also impacts the multiplier and the overall premium. Employers can use class codes to anticipate their workers’ compensation insurance costs. In some cases, they can lower their risk (and their rates) by improving workplace safety conditions and implementing safety training programs for their employees.

Employers can help keep costs down and improve their bottom line by using class codes to rate the risk and price of workers’ compensation insurance policies for their line of work. When an employer reviews their class codes, it allows them to help ensure that everyone involved in their business has physical and financial protection against potential workplace dangers.

By ensuring that adequate safety measures are in place and employees have the proper training and knowledge about how to protect themselves at work, employers can help significantly lower their workers’ comp insurance costs. Reviewing line class codes also helps employers stay up-to-date with the most recent industry information and keeps them abreast of any new concerns or developments in today’s world of worker’s compensation.

Are Workers’ Comp Codes Different by State, or Are They Universal?

The codes are different by state, as is typically the case with code systems related to workers’ compensation. There are vast differences in how these classification systems work and fit within a company’s infrastructure. Some states require that codes be changed based on corporate ownership changes and new business underwriting requirements. Others do not.

While this may not seem significant, it can make workers’ compensation unnecessarily complex for employers, employees, and insurance carriers alike. In some states, the inconsistent application of classifications can lead to miscalculations of rates that cause employers to overpay for their coverage or be hit with significant audit liabilities. In turn, this can harm employees or make it more difficult for employees to get the workers’ compensation payments they need because their employer does not have adequate insurance. 

What Workmen’s Comp Code System Does Pennsylvania Use?

Most states use the classification codes created by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). But, unlike other states, Pennsylvania does not use the NCCI. Instead, the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau (PCRB) determines the classification codes for businesses within Pennsylvania. The PCRB also assigns each company a classification based on the types of work the business or workers engage in. 

The idea behind the rating system is that it can group similar businesses into a singular category to streamline the rating process. Without this system, the insurance company would have to make these decisions on a case-by-case basis, which can be costly, inefficient, and inaccurate. If the employer, the PCRB, and the insurance company all disagree on the appropriate classification, the employer can ask the PCRB to reevaluate the company and assign a different rating. 

Under Pennsylvania law, insurance companies can also create and assign subclassifications, which further categorize businesses into smaller categories. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department must approve the insurance company’s subclassifications before the company can use this to assign rates to businesses. Each classification code (or subclassification, as the case may be) carries a different multiplier, which the company uses to determine the employer’s premium. The employer’s workers’ compensation premium is determined by the insurance company they choose, the classification of their business (and therefore their multiplier), their annual payroll, and other factors. 

How Are Workers’ Comp Codes Assigned?

When employers hire workers, they classify the workers by the work they do. They can suggest a classification code based on their understanding of the system and the workers’ roles in the company. The PCRB and insurance companies also determine the classification for the employees. If these codes do not match up, the employer may pay for too much or too little coverage, which can negatively impact the employee. To ensure accuracy and consistency, the employer can ask the PCRB to take a second look at the circumstances and assign a new code. 

The code typically correlates to the industry of the job, the duties performed by people in the position, the level of risk associated with those tasks, and the safety rating of the individual employer. Insurance companies can also use subclassifications (with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department’s approval) to categorize jobs into smaller labels. These factors all interact to impact the risk rating of each code. A job or company can have multiple types of codes assigned to it to encompass the full breadth of the role. 

Where Can I Find Out More About the Workers’ Comp Class Code in Pennsylvania?

You can find the workers’ comp classification code by searching online. For example, the PCRB has a convenient, free tool that you can use to find out the various classification codes. Additionally, you can find a workers’ comp lookup tool by scrolling down to the end of this article. Your employer may also provide information about its classification code and the type of workers’ compensation insurance it carries. Keep in mind that some employers have more than one code if the work that they do intersects with multiple types of industries. 

How to Use the Workers’ Comp Code Lookup Tool

Most workers’ comp lookup tools are easy to use. To use the PCRB tool online, you simply search for the industry that your employer is in and scroll to find the applicable codes. The tool provided at the end of this post works in much the same way. For help, consider contacting a workers’ compensation attorney who can guide you through the process. 

Contact the Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorneys at Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo

A work injury can completely change your life, creating an uncomfortable and scary new normal in an instant. Filing a workers’ compensation claim can put you on the path to receiving the benefits you need to cover your wages and medical expenses while you heal, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. 

Krasno Kasno & Onwudinjo simplifies the process by taking care of the legal matters for injured workers, so they have less stress in their life, not more. Each client has a five-member team that helps to manage their medical care and the legal process so clients feel taken care of during the process. Jason Krasno represents the third generation of workers’ compensation attorneys in his family. He leans on the impressive legacy of his father and grandfather to provide exceptional and passionate legal representation to workers who are hurt and need benefits. 

If you were hurt on the job, call us today at 844-243-4843 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation. 

Other Workers’ Comp Code Resources

Search Your Workers’ Comp Code Here

Worker’s Comp Code Description
962 Accounting or Auditing Firm
679 Advertising Company – Outdoor
673 Advertising Sign Mfg.
744 Aircraft Mfg.
7421 Aircraft Operation Business
7413 Aircraft Operation Commuter
7405 Aircraft Operation Scheduled
7424 Aircraft Operation, N.O.C.
9108 Aircraft Passenger Seat Surcharge
7428 Airport Operation – Ground Employees
660 Alarm/Sound System Installation or Repair
807 Ambulance Service – Non-Volunteer
968 Amusement – Indoor
969 Amusement – Outdoor
34 Animal Raising – Poultry, Egg Production, Fish Hatcheries, Etc.
880 Apartment House
161 Apparel Mfg.
662 Appliance Service or Repair
509 Asbestos Goods Mfg.
970 Athletic Team
820 Automobile Auction
451 Automobile Body Mfg.
818 Automobile Dealer
861 Automobile Dismantlers
816 Automobile Filling Station
463 Automobile Mfg.
934 Automobile Parts/Accessory Store – Retail or Wholesale
815 Automobile Service Center
825 Automobile Storage Garage/Parking Station Lot
918 Bakery Shop – Retail
105 Bakery – Wholesale
467 Ball Bearing Mfg.
988 Bank
899 Bar/Tavern/Cocktail Lounge/Nightclub
977 Barber Shop, Beauty Parlor or Hairstyling Salon
475 Battery Mfg.
821 Beverage Distributor
112 Beverage Mfg., N.O.C.
718 Boat Bldg. or Repair – PA coverage only
6824F Boat Building/Repair
677 Boiler Installation
108 Brewery
512 Brick Mfg., N.O.C.
936 Broadcasting Station
817 Bus Operation
311 Cabinet Works
759 Cable Television Operations
978 Camp, Summer or Winter
107 Candy Mfg.
681 Canvas Goods Erection
166 Canvas/Burlap Products Mfg.
416 Car Mfg. – Railroad
939 Carnival/Circus/Amusement Device Operator – Traveling
648 Carpentry – Cabinets – Installation
652 Carpentry – Detached Dwellings
305 Carpentry Shop
651 Carpentry, N.O.C.
4775 Cartridge Loading/Charging
9741 Catastrophe (Other than Certified Acts of Terrorism)
898 Caterer
649 Ceiling Installation
501 Cement Mfg.
999 Cemetery
987 Check Cashing Services
551 Chemical Mfg. or Processing, N.O.C.
963 Church
980 City, Township, Borough or County
916 Clothing/Dry Goods Store
944 Club
896 Club, N.O.C.
7313F Coal Dock Operation and Stevedoring
810 Coal Trucking
965 Colleges or Schools, N.O.C.
971 Commercial Buildings
485 Communications, Search, Detection or Signal Processing Equip. Mfg.
654 Concrete Construction
511 Concrete Products Mfg.
465 Conveyor Mfg.
932 Copying or Duplicating Service
261 Corrugated Box Container Mfg.
36 Dairy Farm
109 Dairy Products Mfg.
814 Dealer in Mobile, Self-Propelled Equipment
489 Dental Laboratory
914 Department Store
429 Die Casting Mfg.
908 Domestic Workers – Inside
913 Domestic Workers – Inside
909 Domestic Workers – Outside
912 Domestic Workers – Outside
607 Drilling
555 Drug or Medicine Mfg.
142 Dry Cleaning Plant
139 Dyeing
892 Early Intervention – Infants or Toddlers
656 Electric Line Construction
477 Electric Motor Mfg. or Repair
474 Electric Power or Electric Transmission Equip. Mfg.
755 Electric Utilities
473 Electrical Apparatus Mfg., N.O.C.
886 Electrical Supplies Dealer – Wholesale
661 Electrical Wiring within Buildings
472 Electronic Component Mfg., N.O.C.
488 Electronic Measuring or Analytical Instrument Mfg.
449 Electroplating
136 Embroidery Mfg.
929 Employment Contractor
191 Employment Contractor – Apparel Mfg.
495 Employment Contractor – Automobile Body Mfg.
499 Employment Contractor – Battery Mfg.
889 Employment Contractor – Clerical
895 Employment Contractor – College or School
693 Employment Contractor – Commercial Carpentry
877 Employment Contractor – Department Store
695 Employment Contractor – Electrical Wiring
497 Employment Contractor – Electronic Component Mfg.
691 Employment Contractor – Excavation
493 Employment Contractor – Hardware Mfg.
881 Employment Contractor – Hardware Store
946 Employment Contractor – Medical
879 Employment Contractor – Packaging
587 Employment Contractor – Paint Colors Mfg.
291 Employment Contractor – Paper or Pulp Mfg.
276 Employment Contractor – Plastic Mfg, N.O.C.
275 Employment Contractor – Plastics Mfs. – Injection Molding
189 Employment Contractor – Preserving or Canning
297 Employment Contractor – Printing
883 Employment Contractor – Retail Store, N.O.C.
491 Employment Contractor – Rolling, Drawing or Extruding Nonferrous Metals
949 Employment Contractor – Temporary Marketing
937 Employment Contractor – Temporary Staff
947 Employment Contractor – Temporary Staff
867 Employment Contractor – Warehousing
187 Employment Contractor Candy Mfg.
185 Employment Contractor Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C.
682 Employment Contractor Temporary Labor
955 Engineer, Consulting
609 Excavation
4777 Explosives Distributor
4771 Explosives Or Ammunition MFG., N.O.C.
459 Eyelet Mfg.
415 Fabricated Plate Work
7 Farm Machinery Operation
897 Fast-Food Restaurant
164 Federal Coal Mine Coverage Loading
858 Ferrous Scrap Metal Dealer
573 Fertilizer Mfg.
6 Field Crop or Vegetable Farm
608 Flat Cement Work
919 Florist Store – Retail or Wholesale
11 Flower Growing
104 Food Sundries Mfg., N.O.C.
431 Forging
7366F Freight Handlers
907 Fruit/Vegetable Dealer, Wholesale
809 Fuel Distribution
170 Fur Bearing Animal Farms
319 Furniture Assembly
646 Furniture Fixtures Installation
323 Furniture Mfg. – Wood
806 Furniture Moving/Storage
922 Furniture Store – Retail
921 Furniture Store – Wholesale
327 Furniture Upholstering
751 Gas Utility
617 Gas/Steam/Water Main Construction
553 Gases Mfg.
536 Glass Products Mfg.
535 Glass or Glassware Mfg.
101 Grain Milling
507 Graphite Products Mfg.
911 Grocery – Wholesale
917 Grocery Store – Retail
445 Hardware Mfg., N.O.C.
925 Hardware Store – Retail
926 Hardware Store – Wholesale
884 Health/Exercise Club
664 Heating, Ventilating Air Conditioning Contractor
943 Home Health Care – Non-Professional
942 Home Health Care – Professional
135 Hosiery Mfg.
961 Hospital
973 Hotel
945 Hotel Restaurant
670 House Furnishings Installation, N.O.C.
983 Housing Authority
110 Ice Cream Mfg.
486 Incandescent Light Bulb/Electronic Tube Mfg.
476 Industrial Controls or Systems Mfg./Assembly
647 Insulation Work
984 Insurance Company
893 Intermediate Unit
904 Investigative Agency
655 Iron Erection
658 Iron Erection/Installation
425 Iron Foundry, N.O.C.
413 Iron Works – Shop
458 Jewelry Mfg.
920 Jewelry Store – Retail or Wholesale
860 Junk Dealer
134 Knit Goods Mfg.
903 Labor Union
12 Landscape Contractor
141 Laundry, N.O.C.
956 Law Firm
205 Leather Goods Mfg., N.O.C.
890 Library – Public
83 Livestock Farm
9 Logging Lumbering N.O.C.
15 Logging or Lumbering – Mechanized
855 Lumber/Building Material Dealer
935 Lumber/Building Material Dealer – Store Employees
461 Machine Shop
675 Machinery/Equipment Erection or Repair
812 Mail Hauling/Delivery Service Company (under USPS Contract)
948 Mailing or Addressing Company
427 Malleable Iron Foundry
544 Manufacturing Light Industrial Operations
6826F Marina
716 Marina – PA coverage only
653 Masonry
165 Mattress Box Spring Mfg.
910 Meat Dealer – Wholesale
119 Meat Products Mfg., N.O.C.
915 Meat/Fish/Poultry Store – Retail
901 Members Of Religious Orders
902 Members Of Religious Orders – Occasional
456 Metal Furniture Mfg., N.O.C.
857 Metal Service Center
805 Milk Hauling
59 Mineral Milling
25 Mining – Not Coal
819 Mobile, Self-Propelled Equipment Salesperson
887 Museum
8 Mushroom Raising
282 Newspaper/Publishing
447 Non-Ferrous Metals Foundry
859 Nonferrous Scrap Metal Dealer
771 Non-Rateable Element for Class 4771
775 Non-Rateable Element for Class 4775
152 Non-Rateable Element for Class 615
7445 Non-Rateable Element for Class 7405
7453 Non-Rateable Element for Class 7413
162 Non-Rateable Elention for Class 810
13 Nursery
960 Nursing Convalescent Home
953 Office
483 Office Machine Mfg.
952 Office Machine Service/Repair
28 Oil or Gas Production
581 Oil Refining/Explosives Mfg.
752 Oil/Gas Pipeline Operation
606 Oil/Gas Well Drilling
227 Oilcloth Mfg.
16 Orchard
923 Packaging, Non-crating
563 Paint Mfg.
665 Painting
263 Paper Coating/Finishing
257 Paper Products Mfg, N.O.C.
255 Paper Mfg.
863 Paper Shredding
667 Paperhanging
808 Parcel Delivery Company
927 Pharmacy – Retail
957 Physician or Dentist
611 Pile Driving
502 Plaster Statutory Mfg.
669 Plastering
221 Plastic Articles Mfg., Injection Molding
222 Plastic Articles Mfg., N.O.C.
666 Plate Glass Installation
663 Plumbing
885 Plumbing Supplies Dealer or Pipe Merchant-Wholesale
985 Police or Firefighters – Salaried
513 Pottery, N.O.C.
865 Poultry/Fish – Dealers/Processors
506 Powder Metal Products Mfg.
446 Precision Machined Parts Mfg.
891 Pre-School (Child Care or Early Education) Services
113 Preserving or Canning of Food
471 Printed Circuit Board Assembly or Electrical Wire Harness Mfg.
285 Printing Sheet-Fed Press
281 Printing, N.O.C.
106 Processed Meat Products Mfg.
51 Quarry
50 Quarries, N.O.C.
9985 Radiation Exp. – No Govt
605 Railroad Construction
721 Railroad Operation, N.O.C.
862 Recycling Center
514 Refractory Product Mfg.
958 Rehabilitation Hospitals
114 Rendering Works
940 Residential Care Facility – Developmentally Disabled
979 Residential Facility for the Elderly – Non-Medical
882 Residential Interior Cleaning Services
975 Restaurant, N.O.C.
928 Retail Store, N.O.C.
974 Retirement/Life Care Community
657 Rigging, N.O.C.
601 Road Construction: Paving or Repaving
602 Road Construction: Sub-Surface work
406 Rolling Mill, Ferrous Metals
403 Rolling/Drawing/Extruding Non-Ferrous Metals
659 Roofing
225 Rubber Goods or Tire Mfg.
995 Rubbish or Garbage Removal
951 Salesperson – Outside
55 Sand Excavation
992 Sanitation Company
301 Saw Mill
804 School Bus Operation
894 School for Disturbed Children
954 Security or Investigative Agency
603 Sewer Construction
676 Sheet Metal Installation
454 Sheet Metal Products Fabrication, N.O.C. – shop
986 Shelter or Halfway House – Residential – Non-Medical
964 Sheltered Work Shops
6843 Ship Building, Iron or Steel
6872 Ship Repair/Conversion – All Operations
204 Shoe Mfg.
111 Slaughterhouse
981 Slot Machine Gambling
402 Smelting/Galvanizing
571 Soap Mfg.
941 Social Rehabilitation Facility
132 Spinning or Weaving
435 Spring Mfg.
801 Stable
265 Stationery Products Mfg.
8726 Steamship Line/Agency – Port Employees
411 Steel Fabricating
421 Steel Foundry
404 Steel Mfg.
7309 Stevedoring
7317 Stevedoring – By Hand/Hand Truck Exclusively
7327 Stevedoring – Containerized Freight
8709 Stevedoring – Tallymen and Checking Clerks
103 Sugar Refining
133 Suppl. Loading Carcinogen
67 Supplemental Loading for Class 445
66 Supplemental Loading for Class 447
176 Supplemental Loading for Class 513
487 Surgical or Optical Instrument Mfg.
674 Swimming Pool Construction
709 Tallymen/Checking Clerks – PA coverage only
201 Tanning
803 Taxicab Company
757 Telecommunications Company
966 Television, Video, Audio or Radio Equipment Service or Repair
871 Temporary Furniture Store – Wholesale
9740 Terrorism
163 Textile Products Mfg., N.O.C.
130 Textile Waste, Mfg.
967 Theatres
668 Tile/Stone/Mosaic/Terrazzo Work
115 Tobacco Products Mfg.
433 Tool Mfg. – Forged
441 Tool Mfg., N.O.C.
5 Tree Pruning
811 Trucking, N.O.C.
407 Tube/Pipe Mfg.
615 Tunneling
997 Undertakers
933 Vending/Coin Operated Machine – Installation, Service or Repair
959 Veterinarians
993 Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
994 Volunteer Fire Company
996 Volunteer HazMat Response Team
645 Wallboard Installation
813 Warehousing
753 Waterworks
924 Wholesale Store, N.O.C.
457 Wire Goods Mfg.
306 Woodenware Mfg.,N.O.C.
982 Workfare Program Employees
976 Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.


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Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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