Workers’ compensation might cover staph infection injuries

Who is at risk for contracting MRSA on the job? While it could potentially be a risk for a variety of industries, health care workers are most at risk. In fact, health care workers could be exposed to serious strains of the infection that are resistant to antibiotics. As a result of contracting such an illness, health care workers might not be able to work and could struggle with loss of income on top of rising medical bills.

MRSA often starts as a rash or series of bumps that can look like insect bites or even pimples. The bumps are red and often swollen, so they might be painful to touch. Other symptoms include bumps or lesions that have drainage or are filled with pus, rash areas that are warm when you touch them and a fever.

When left untreated, MRSA rashes can become even more painful. Pus can become deeper, eventually even causing drainage via surgical measures. Without treatment, MRSA can impact other areas of the body, leading to deadly infections in areas such as the lungs, heart, bones and bloodstream.

If you believe you contracted MRSA while on the job, then you might be able to seek compensation for associated losses and expenses. Understanding your rights as a worker and how to seek that compensation is a critical step in achieving recovery.

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Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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