Manufacturing and Warehouse Accidents Attorneys

When you think of a warehouse or manufacturing facility, accidents may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, manufacturing and warehouse accidents are quite common. Serious injuries can result from falling objects, faulty equipment, or improper use of a forklift or pallet jack.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a manufacturing or warehouse accident, be certain that your rights under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act are fully protected. Contact Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.

Don’t Let A Behind-The-Scenes Injury Leave You Behind On Bills

Manufacturing and warehouse accidents often result in serious injuries and permanent disabilities and injuries. Our firm is committed to securing financial recovery for those suffering from:

  • Head trauma. A slip-and-fall accident, falling from a ladder or scaffolding or from the back of the truck, or having a load fall on your head from above are some accidents that can cause head injuries in a warehouse or manufacturing environment.
  • Neck and back injuries. Any activity that puts dangerous torque on your back – from intentionally lifting heavy loads to a slip-and-fall accident that causes soft tissue injury, a slipped disc or broken vertebrae – can cause a work-related back injury.
  • Paralysis, paraplegia or quadriplegia. Any accident that severs the spinal cord – from severe falls to crush injuries from accidents with heavy machinery or trucks – can cause paralysis, paraplegia or quadriplegia.
  • Injuries due to defective machinery. Manufacturing machinery that unexpectedly malfunctions – whether it speeds up, breaks in the middle of a task, or fails to operate consistently – can cause anything from a burn to a broken bone to an electric shock.
  • Bone, muscle or joint injuries. Anything from a simple twisted ankle to a broken bone caused by a slip-and-fall injury can cause orthopedic injuries that can limit your ability to work. Jobs that require repetitive motion can also cause work injuries.

We also represent families coping with the devastating loss of a loved one in a fatal work-related accident.

Three Generations Of Dedicated Legal Representation

Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo was founded in 1936 by Isadore Krasno, a former workers’ compensation judge. Mr. Krasno passed his ideals onto his son, Lester, who continues to practice as a workers’ compensation attorney. In 1999, Lester’s son, Jason, joined the firm, continuing the family tradition of helping those injured on the job.

Today, our Philadelphia-based firm is staffed by lawyers who represent clients from 11 Pennsylvania office locations. The philosophy of practice put in place over 70 years ago still stands: We are committed to providing quality legal representation to people injured in work-related accidents.

Put Our Experience On Your Side

Workers’ compensation benefits are meant to cover medical expenses and lost wages. If your employer or their insurance carrier has chosen to dispute the benefits you need and deserve, it may be time to take legal action. Contact us to arrange a free consultation to discuss your legal options. Call us at 215-310-0001 or toll-free at 877-794-2396.

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Don't Delay. You have 120 days from the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.


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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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