Social Security Disability Benefits Calculator

How Much Social Security Disability Will I Get?

Earnings from jobs covered by Social Security are used to determine the amount of monthly SSDI benefit payments. Right now, the average for an individual is $1,258, and the maximum is $3,011. Use this calculator to estimate your payment.


Frequently Asked Questions

I have worked my entire life, but now Social Security is telling me I am no longer entitled to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Why is this?

In addition to proving that you are medically disabled, Social Security requires that you must have worked long enough, and recently enough in relation to the date you became disabled. Generally, you need to have earned at least 20 quarters of credits in the 10 years leading up to the date you became disabled. (This requirement may be relaxed for individuals who become disabled at 31 years or age or younger) To further explain, Social Security uses the term “quarter” to generally mean a 3-month calendar period, and in 2020 you must earn at least $1,410 in a quarter to get credit. However, Social Security looks at these earnings on an annual basis. Therefore, in 2020 if you earn at least $5,640 in only a few months’ time, and then do not work the remainder of the year, you will still receive all four quarter credits that year.

A representative from my local Social Security informed me that I have a “date last insured” or I received a Judge’s Decision which references a “date last insured,” what does this mean, and will my benefits stop on that date?

No, your benefits still not stop on that date (whether it be in the past or sometime in the future). This date refers to the date which Social Security must find you disabled on or before. Once you are found to have become disabled on or before your “date last insured” your entitlement to Social security benefits will continue indefinitely, so long as Social Security finds you to remain medically disabled and you do not return to substantially gainful employment.

Do my Social Security Disability benefits come with health insurance?

Yes, but your entitlement to health insurance may not start immediately.

  1. Individuals awarded Social Security Disability benefits (Title XVI) are eligible for Medicare medical coverage after being entitled to Disability benefits for a period of 24-months, either retroactively or into the future. The first 24-months of Disability benefit entitlement is a waiting period. During this waiting period individuals are unfortunately responsible for finding their own alternative source of medical coverage. We normally recommend that our client’s apply for Medicaid through their state’s Medicaid agency (ß insert hyperlink:, or purchase a plan through the health care exchange (ß insert hyperlink ).
  2. Individuals awarded Supplemental Security Income (Title II) may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. In many states, SSI recipients automatically qualify for Medicaid and don’t have to fill out a Medicaid application. In other states, your SSI guarantees you Medicaid eligibility, but you have to sign up for it. Lastly, in a few states, SSI does not guarantee Medicaid eligibility, but most recipients will still qualify. If you have been awarded SSI, and do not yet receive Medicaid, we recommend that you locate your state’s Medicaid Agency (ß insert hyperlink: and apply.

Social Security is withholding money from my benefits to pay for Medicare Part-B, is there any way to stop this?

For Individuals who already have health insurance through another source (i.e. a spouse or family member, former employer, private policy or as part of a disability/retirement pension) you may decline Medicare Part-B coverage and keep the premium Social Security would otherwise withhold. In order to stop the withholding you must contact your local office (ß insert hyperlink:  and inform them that you do not need Medicare Part-B.

For Individuals who do not already have an alternative source of health insurance, or their alternative health insurance is Medicaid/Medical Assistance you may be entitled to assistance with their Medicare Part-B premium under Social Security’s Extra Help Program. This program assists individuals with income of less than 150% of the national poverty guidelines, based upon household size, with paying their monthly Medicare premiums, annual deductibles, co-payments, and prescription expenses. In order to qualify for the Extra Help Program an individual’s annual income (including Social Security Disability benefits) must be less than $19,140.00 or $25,860 for a married couple. If your household income is less than, or even close to the above numbers we recommend that you submit an application for this program. You can apply online or contact your local office for assistance.

Will my Social Security Disability benefits increase or decrease when I reach full retirement age?

No, the Disability benefit amount is the same as a full, unreduced retirement benefit. If you are receiving Social Security Disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, Social Security will convert those benefits into retirement benefits. (SSA Publication No.: 05-10035, February 2020)

I have been awarded Social Security Disability benefits but it is not enough to pay my bills, is there any way to have my benefits increased?

An unmarried individual receiving less than $783.00 per month in Social Security Disability benefits (before any deductions such as a Medicare Part-B premium) in 2020 may qualify for an additional benefit under Social Security’s Supplemental Security Income program. Generally, in order to qualify for Supplemental Security Income an unmarried individual must have less than $2,000.00 in nonexempt assets and a married individual must have less than $3,000.00 in nonexempt assets. Furthermore, for a married individual whose spouse is also receiving Social Security Disability benefits their combined total of benefits received must be less than $1,175.00 per month. Please be aware that you will not be entitled to the full amount you may be entitled to under both programs. You will only receive the larger of the two amounts. For example: a person receiving $500.00 per month in Disability benefits who is then awarded $783.00 per month in Supplemental Security Income benefits will only be entitled for a maximum benefit of $783.00 per month ($500.00 from Disability, and $283.00 from Supplemental Security Income)

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Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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