Start On The Right Path For Your Work Injury Case

Many Workers’ Compensation cases can take a year or more to resolve. During this time, it is important to receive proper medical treatment for your injuries. At Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo, our attorneys can help you through the Workers’ Compensation process from start to finish. We will help you determine answers to your most pressing questions, including your entitlement to medical treatment and the compensation amount.

As part of a Workers’ Compensation claim, a comprehensive record of your immediate and ongoing medical treatment is as important to the claim process as your healing. From the moment the injury takes place, it is important you let someone know and seek proper medical care. Pain is a sign that something is wrong. If you suffer an injury or just feel pain, let your employer know so they may provide you with a list of approved doctors.

Take The Correct Next Steps

A Workers’ Compensation claim begins the first moment an injury takes place. Knowing the proper steps to take immediately following the incident can help your case dramatically. Upon suffering the injury:

  • Report it. Go to your supervisor or human resources.
  • Accurately complete an incident report.
  • Seek medical treatment from an approved provider.
  • Give your medical provider a complete and accurate list of prior injuries and illnesses.
  • Give a detailed account of how the injury occurred.

The Choice Is Yours

Work-related injuries are handled differently from other injuries, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a say in your care. You may choose to see your own doctor once you have been evaluated by an approved provider. You also may choose to take one doctor’s advice over the others. Sometimes these choices are difficult, but our experienced lawyers have been helping injured workers in the Philadelphia area and throughout Pennsylvania with these decisions for over three generations. In addition to being rated as Pennsylvania’s Premier Workers’ Compensation Law Firm for 2015 by The Best Lawyers in America,* attorneys at our firm have been listed in The Best Lawyers in America* guidebook since 2009.

Work Injuries Are A Pain, Hiring A Lawyer Shouldn’t Be

For help with your Workers’ Compensation claim, call toll free 877-794-2396.

Don’t delay; time is paramount when you have only 120 days to report a work-related injury. Contact us today to set up your free consultation.

* The Best Lawyers in Americaa® 2015. Copyright 2014 by Woodward/White, Inc., Aiken, SC.

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Don't Delay. You have 120 days from the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.


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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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