Workers’ Comp Ankle Injury Settlements

There were 7,482 workers’ compensation claims related to ankle injuries in Pennsylvania in 2017. That makes ankle injuries the second most common lower extremity injury, trailing only knee injuries.

If you suffered an ankle injury at work, you deserve to be compensated. Navigating the state’s workers’ comp system can be complicated, and many people’s claims are denied. That’s where the help of a skilled lawyer makes all the difference. Also, if you’re  ankle injury claim was denied, reach out to a lawyer to find out whether it’s possible to appeal the decision.

We’ll try to answer all your questions below, and if you have any other questions you can direct them to the live chat on our site. If you’d like to meet with a lawyer, Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo can offer you a free consultation before we take on your workers’ compensation case. If you decide to let us represent you, you won’t owe any legal fees unless you win.

Average Workers’ Compensation Settlements for Ankle Injuries

The NSC estimates the average workers’ compensation settlements for ankle injuries is $30,486. Below is a table for estimated settlement amounts based on the NSC claim cost average for ankle injuries.

Severity of Ankle Injury Estimated Settlement Amounts  Types of Injury
Mild $1,000 – $30,955 Strain, contusion, etc
Moderate to Severe $30,955 – $59,253 Fractures, minor tears, sprains, strains, etc.
Extremely Severe $59,253+ Torn ligaments, amputations, loss of use, etc.

Can You File A Workers’ Comp Claim?

Both soft tissue and bone ankle and foot injuries occur daily across nearly all job types in Pennsylvania. With proper medical attention, you’ll know the type and extent of the injury, which provides a solid basis for pursuing your workers’ comp claim.

We help people across the state who suffered any of these injuries at work:

  • Broken ankle/ankle fracture
  • Sprained ankle or high ankle sprain
  • Strains
  • Torn tendons in the ankle area
  • Ligament damage
  • Torn muscles

Obtaining The Right Diagnosis After An Ankle Injury

The ankle joint is a complicated part of the human body. Three bones– the tibia, fibula, and talus– as well as many tendons, come together at the ankle to allow us to move freely. Because of that, an ankle injury may be easily misdiagnosed and therefore treated incorrectly.

We encourage you to consult with a specialist to make sure your injury is diagnosed correctly. If needed, we will be happy to help you locate the right doctor—one who is experienced and can provide the right ankle treatment.

An Ankle Injury  Can Impact Your Ability For the Rest Of Your Life

A serious ankle injury can leave you with lifetime impairment and difficulty with balance, standing, climbing stairs, and driving. Injured workers can qualify for lifetime medical benefits along with other workers comp benefits.

Even just a mild ankle injury can forever impact the way you walk, further putting you at risk for related injuries like knee injuries, hip injuries, and back injuries.

It is imperative that you file a workers compensation claim within the statute of limitations– 120 days– in order to receive the medical treatment and workers’ compensation benefits necessary to properly heal and cover the full cost of your medical bills.

Depending on your injuries and the extent to which they impact your life afterwards, you may be eligible for:

Temporary total disability (TTD): you qualify if you are disabled from all work because of your ankle injury, or if you are unable to find work within restrictions set by your doctor

Temporary partial disability (TPD): you qualify if you can still work after your injury, but you have new limitations that result in lower pay or fewer hours.

Permanent partial disability (PPD): you qualify if your ankle injury results in the complete loss of use of you leg or ankle. Entitlement to these benefits is based on medical expenses and loss, not wage loss, so you are eligible for these benefits through your employer’s insurance company even if you miss no work.

Vocational rehabilitation: if your ankle injury prevents you from returning to your job, you are eligible for job retraining through workers’ compensation insurance.

Lump sum workers comp settlement: You should negotiate a workers compensation settlement for your ankle injury after you’re ankle has healed as much as it can. The value of injury settlements can be impacted by the quality of your lawyer, so it is best to work with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to ensure the lump sum covers current and future medical bills, physical therapy, and wage loss.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation To Discuss Your Ankle Injury

Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo is an award-winning PA Workers Compensation law firm that has helped thousands of Pennsylvania workers since 1936. If you need to file an initial claim for an ankle injury, if your claim was denied, or if you want legal advice, reach out to us. Our attorneys offer a free initial consultation in all cases. It’s a great opportunity to find out what your settlement value can be and how it might evolve.

To get started, send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. Our offices are conveniently located in 12 cities and towns across Pennsylvania. No matter where you in the state, chances are you’re not very far from us. And if you can’t make it to us, we can have an attorney meet with you in your home.

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Don't Delay. You have 120 days from the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.


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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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