Benzene Exposure and Workers’ Compensation

If you have ever become ill because of an exposure to benzene, you will naturally want to become educated on what it is and how it affects humans. Consider the facts about benzene presented on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example. You will learn that benzene is one of the top 20 chemicals used “to make other chemicals that are used to make plastics, resins, and nylon and synthetic fibers. Benzene is also used to make some types of lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides.”

Learning about all the possible sources of benzene poisoning may have given you some strong clues about the circumstances of the chemical exposure that could have triggered your leukemia or other benzene exposure injury.

What Are Symptoms Of Benzene Exposure?

You may have been aware right away that you had suffered from a toxic exposure because of symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, tremors or confusion. Or you may have developed weakness over time, caused by anemia or the loss of white blood cells in your body. Your blood and/or bone marrow may have developed abnormalities as a result of exposure, such as excessive bleeding or infections. In a worst case scenario (short of immediate death), it is likely that you may have developed leukemia.

You’ve Been Exposed To Benzene… Now What?

Now you need to know how you were exposed to benzene, and how to pursue compensation. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. You may also be eligible to file a lawsuit against a liable third party other than your employer.

Were you exposed to benzene in a connection with your work in the fracking industry? As a benzene exposure victim, the stakes may be very high if your medical expenses are mounting and you are losing time away from your job. As in the case of any workers’ compensation claim, a successful claim based on alleged benzene exposure on the job will require clear documentation. Your doctor’s testimony will be one of the key factors in confirming that your illness was caused by activities or conditions at your place of work.

Decades Of Experience On Your Side

Our legal team at Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo is ready to help you pursue the maximum workers’ compensation benefits through proper documentation and compelling testimony. Since 1936, we have been dedicated to helping workers of Pennsylvania. We would like to hear about your benzene exposure case and provide you with the information you will need to make the decisions that are right for you. Contact us to request a consultation with an experienced attorney in Philadelphia or locations across Pennsylvania.

Consult With Our Benzene Exposure Lawyers

All workers’ compensation cases are handled on a contingency basis. We only get paid if we win or prevent the insurance company from stopping or altering your benefits, or if you settle your case. Email us or call us at 800-952-9640 to schedule a free consultation with a trusted workers’ compensation lawyer at our firm.

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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