Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome and Workers’ Compensation

Also known as “white finger,” hand-arm vibration syndrome is an industrial injury that can afflict workers in a variety of occupations that make continuous use of vibrating hand-held machinery. If you work in construction, perform utility work, or work on an assembly line, hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) could keep you from performing a job you have done your entire life.

HAVS affects tens of thousands of workers. Our attorneys are at your service to pursue the workers’ compensation you and your family deserve based on lost income and several other factors.

The sooner you speak with a lawyer, the quicker your case can begin. While monetary compensation cannot cure HAVS, it can help pay for medical care, treatment, and preserve your financial stability.

What Is Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome?

HAVS affects blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and joints in the hand, wrist, and arm. It may cause discoloration in your hands or fingers, numbness of the fingers, and/or loss of manual dexterity.

If you suffer from HAVS or “white finger,” you might have lost the ability to perform every skill you have to provide in the labor market. A history of exposure to machines is a very common source of hand-arm vibration syndrome. Power tools are a frequent culprit, and we have helped clients whose jobs involved years of using:

  • Asphalt breakers
  • Jackhammers
  • Drills
  • Electric saws
  • Sawzalls

If we can prove that your injury is the result of work-related exposure to vibrating hand-held machinery, you could be entitled to compensation.

Our Comprehensive Diligence Helps Win HAVS Cases

At Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo, our attorneys are dedicated to helping workers who have been debilitated by work-related injuries. Since 1936, our Pennsylvania law firm has been devoted to protecting the rights of workers. Our 12 offices throughout the state ensure that you get the personal attention you deserve in a location that is convenient for you.

We are committed to our clients’ health and success. Our dedication has led to numerous legal industry awards, and more importantly, many satisfied clients. We encourage you to read a few of the 150-plus Google reviews past clients have left online.

Find Out If You Have A Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome Claim

To schedule a free initial consultation, contact us online or call us at 800-952-9640. We handle all cases on a contingency basis. We collect lawyer’s fees only if you receive compensation in your case to obtain benefits or if we prevent the insurance company from stopping or altering your benefits.

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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