Metal Workers

PA Work Comp For Metal Workers

Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo in Philadelphia represents metal workers who have suffered serious injuries. We aggressively and capably represent our clients in workers’ compensation claims, in third-party liability (personal injury) claims and in Social Security Disability appeals. We are available to answer questions and ready to initiate investigations promptly to maximize our clients’ chances of recovering all available compensation and benefits.

Dollars cannot put life back as it was before a metal worker’s injury. However, money can provide needed treatment and accommodations that can enable an injured metal worker to live a life of dignity and much greater comfort than what might be possible otherwise.

The Dangers Of Metal Work

Metal workers engage in some of the most challenging types of work. It is not surprising, then, that metal workers are often involved in serious accidental injuries. Severe and catastrophic injuries to steelworkers, ironworkers and other types of metal workers often occur because of:

  • Falls from heights
  • Back injury caused by heavy lifting
  • Lacerations
  • Welding accidents

Some metal workers, such as welders, are exposed to potential occupational diseases such as manganese poisoning over time. Other metal workers are engaged in physically compromising circumstances that lend themselves to serious injuries such as:

We are prepared to advise and advocate on a metal worker’s behalf after a work accident. Whether you are the injured metal worker or a close family member, we can guide you through the complex processes of applications, lawsuits, appeals and administrative hearings.

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation

Our law firm handles all workers’ compensation cases for metal workers and other types of employees on a contingency basis. This means that if we do not succeed in helping you recover compensation, you will not owe us any lawyers’ fees. Our fees are a percentage of lump-sum benefits as established by law and are no higher than fees you would pay to a less experienced law firm. Contact us at 800-952-9640 to schedule a consultation with an experienced workplace injury attorney.

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Don't Delay. You have 120 days from the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.


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Our live chat team is available to answer your questions rom the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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