Service Industry Workers

Workers’ Compensation Help For PA’s Service Injury Workers

The service industry covers a broad range of occupations with myriad potential injuries that can temporarily or permanently affect an employee’s ability to work. From food service workers to cleaning attendants – all industries and occupations offer a plethora of workplace risks. Whether you have developed carpal tunnel syndrome as the result of working on a computer as a receptionist or suffered a severe back injury while mopping the floors as a janitor, you have rights and deserve to have your case heard. If you have been injured on the job, you have options to pursue in workers’ compensation. Don’t let your employer, its insurance provider or a union tell you otherwise.

It is critical that you act quickly and discover your full scope of legal, medical and financial options with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. At Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo, we work to protect the rights and interests of workers in Pennsylvania. Since 1936, our Philadelphia-based law firm has won tens of millions of dollars in awards on behalf of tens of thousands of clients in a variety of industries.

Representing Union And Nonunion Workers

union employees have options regarding workers’ compensation benefits. Our law firm represents both union and nonunion service industry workers in a variety of occupations, including:

  • Hospitality and food service workers such as servers, bartenders, housekeepers, maids, cooks and others
  • Maintenance workers, including janitors, groundskeepers, cleaning crews and security personnel
  • Health care workers, including nurses, nursing home workers, and other care providers
  • Truck drivers, bus drivers, and commercial vehicle drivers or delivery people
  • Cable, heating, air conditioning installers, and other field workers

If you are a union worker, you may believe that your legal options are limited – which is not true. You have the right to work with the work injury lawyer of your choice – whether it be a private attorney or union representative. Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo stands out from the rest because our law firm can provide you the advantage of personalized attention and aggressive advocacy for your interests rather than the union’s interests.

Our knowledgeable attorneys can guide you through the complex legal and medical procedures required to obtain the maximum compensation you deserve from your workers’ compensation claim. We are prepared to bring appeals against employers and insurance companies that attempt to deny, reduce or stop benefit payments.

Speak With A Service Injury Attorney In Pennsylvania

To schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney to discuss your service industry work injury or another type of injury, email us or call 800-952-9640. An attorney from Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo would be happy to meet with you at any of our 12 locations throughout the state, and we can even come to you if necessary. We are ready to equip you with the representation that you deserve.

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Don't Delay. You have 120 days from the date of your injury to apply for Workers’ Compensation benefits.


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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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