How Is My Ability To Return To Work Determined?

Returning to the job when you are on Workers’ Compensation is usually one of the top concerns of injured workers. If your injuries prevent you from doing your original job it is important that your rights are protected when you return to modified work.

At Krasno, Krasno & Onwudinjo, our Workers’ Compensation lawyers help injured workers throughout Eastern Pennsylvania return to work when they are able. That includes getting a job with modifications for their ongoing injuries.

We have offices in Philadelphia, Pottsville and nine other locations throughout the region. Call us at (866) 948-9088 to schedule a free consultation.

We Work With Your Doctor To Protect Your Health

If you feel like you are ready to return to work and your doctor agrees, he or she will have to sign a release. Your doctor may also sign a release for you to return to work to modified duties. This can include restrictions on lifting, bending, reaching or driving.

When your doctor signs a release, your employer has to provide a job for you honoring those restrictions. If there are parts of the job that you cannot do, your doctor can remove you from work until your employer makes the reasonable accommodations.

Our attorneys’ main concerns are getting you the Workers’ Comp benefits you need and protecting your safety. If your employer is trying to force you to do work you are not capable of doing, we can step in and protect your rights. We will work closely with your doctor to make sure you will not be put into any dangerous situations.

Contact Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo Today

By helping countless clients throughout Eastern Pennsylvania, there is no Workers’ Compensation case too complex for us. Get the help you deserve for your case. Schedule a consultation with us today by filling out our online contact form or by calling (866) 948-9088.

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Kevin Anema
Having Jason on my side was the best decision I could have ever made. I couldn’t thank this firm enough for their determination and fight.

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